Harley, H.(2006) English Words: A Linguistic Introduction. Blackwell.
Huddleston, R. and G. Pullum (2002) The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language. Cambridge Univ. Press. Katamba, F.(2005) English Words: Structure, History, Usage. 2nd ed. Routledge. 中島平三(編)(2001)『英語構文事典』大修館
1.Introduction 2.What is a word? 3.Where do words come from?(1) 4.Where do words come from?(2) 5.Where do words come from?(3) 6.Morphology: Prefixes and suffixes(1) 7.Morphology: Prefixes and suffixes(2) 8.Morphology: Prefixes and suffixes(3) 9.Morphology: Prefixes and suffixes(4) 10.Morphological idiosyncrasies(1) 11.Morphological idiosyncrasies(2) 12.Morphological idiosyncrasies(3) 13.Presentation(1) 14.Presentation(2) 15.Summary
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