(前期)Eysenck, M. W., & Keane, M. T. (2005). Cognitive psychology: A student's handbook. (5th ed.)Psychology Press./(後期)Sternberg, R. J. (2006). Cognitive Psychology. (4th ed.)Thomson Wadsworth.
Leong, F. T. L., & Austin, J. T. (2006). The psychology research handbook. (2nd ed.) Sage./Martin, D. (2007). Doing psychology experiments. (7th ed.)Wadsworth.
1.前期オリエンテーション(発表者の割り振りなど) 2.Approaches to cognitive psychology/Basic processes in visual perception 3.Object recognition/Perception, motion, and action 4.Attention and performance limitations/Learning and memory 5.Long-term memory systems 6.Everyday memory 7.Concepts and categories 8.Reading and speech perception 9.Language comprehension 10.Language production 11.Problem solving and expertise 12.Creativity and discovery 13.Judgement and decision making 14.Reasoning and deduction 15.前期のまとめ 16.後期オリエンテーション(データ収集の説明) 17.Cognitive neuroscience 18.Attention and consciousness 19.Perception 20.Memory: Models and research methods 21.Memory processes 22.Representation and manipulation of knowledge in memory 23.Representation and organization of knowledge in memory 24.Language: Nature and acquisition 25.Language in context 26.Problem solving and creativity 27.Decision making and reasoning 28.Human and artificial intelligence 29.データ分析の結果の討論 30.授業のまとめ
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