The aim of this course will be to give the student a general introduction to the field of rhetoric in its traditional as well as modern aspects.
Small tests after every second class and a final examination.
Seclected handouts.
Lanham, R.: A Handlist of Rhetorical Terms.
Nash, W.: Rhetoric. The Wit of Persuasion.
Introduction to rhetoric and a short history of the field.
The difference between ordinary and figurative speech.
Ethos, logos, pathos.
The three kinds of rhetoric: forensic, deliberative and epideictic.
The five faculties.
Schemes and tropes, and their modern linguistic representations.
Figures based on phonology.
Figures based on syntax.
Figures based on semantics.
The major tropes.
The second term will concentrate on metaphor.
Jakobson on metaphor and metonymy.
The rhetoric of non-Western cultures.
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