Beginning with an introduction to the elements of poetry such as diction, images, symbols, and poetic forms, this seminar will focus on reading love poetry in depth and on critical thinking and writing. We will also look at the history of love and discuss how it is related to the history of love poetry.
@Class attendance / oral presentations / assignments / term paper
Handouts to be distributed in class.
@Michael Meyer, Poetry: An Introduction, 4th ed. (Bedford / St. Martin's, 2004) Other reference books will be introduced in class.
@Assigned readings must be completed before each class. Active participation in discussion is essential.
1. The history of love (1) Love in the ancient world (2) Religious love in the Middle Ages (3) Courtly love (4) Romantic love 2. Reading love poems 3. Approaches to poetry (1) Biographical criticism (2) Psychoanalytical criticism (3) The nature of "the reader" 4. Critical thinking and writing 5. Writing about poetry